
Wolfman: Another Silly Republican Movie

I admit that, despite what one should expect from a movie about werewolves, I was hoping it would be a good movie. After being positively surprised by Sherlock Holmes, I was thinking maybe the Wolfman would go in the same way and deal with these old topics in a new and clever manner. But It didn't take me to long to see how wrong I was.

Scary as a villain from Power Rangers
As the movie goes, everytime a werewolf appears in the screen it really makes you miss Jack Nickolsons' Wolf. All the lines and all the scenes in Wolfman were probably chosen from a big stinky pile of the most old and boring Hollywood cliche. It seems to be the perfect movie to the Republican propaganda: there is hunting, there is action, there are monsters (that have the same capacity of scaring people as those villains from Power Rangers), there is a brainless plot and thoughtless lines.

The message behind the movie is also that repetitive republican bullshit, enforced by characters like a mad scientist with his non-acceptance of the supernatural and his blind faith in science, both things that lead him to an inability to see or understand the things happening right in front of his eyes... oh, and also, of course, the scientist and his crew are very fond of torturing people.

These things, put together with the family values and the self-sacrificing death, made the movie an awfull version of some [old/new/whatever]-testament story.

After beating yourself up for wasting your time with such a bad movie, this question pops up: how could Benicio Del Toro and Anthony Hopkins (both awesome actors) work in such an incredibly lousy movie?

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